14 May 2010

What a Breath of Fresh Air!

Wow!  Here in the People's Republic of Taxachusetts we have a choice this November between our sitting governor, a.k.a. 'Obama Lite';  a RINO who makes Mitt Romney look like Ronald Reagan; and an opportunistic independent, the incumbent state treasurer who bolted the Democratic party last year.  Not much of a choice, and it's looking like the lamentable Deval Patrick has a real chance of winning re-election with a plurality in the high 30's.

But it's nice to keep hearing more and more about the guy they elected in New Jersey last November - where voters had a real choice - Governor Chris Christie.

Imagine if you will, a politician in a liberal-dominated East Coast "blue" state who acually has (gasp) convictions, and the will to follow them in governing!   When's the last time we had someone like that around here?

More on Governor Christie in good time, but meanwhile you may enjoy this little performance.  Again, it's wonderful to see an elected official who doesn't quail before the media:

Gov Christie calls S-L columnist thin-skinned for inquiring about his 'confrontational tone'

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