29 March 2012

I'm Ba-a-a-ck...

OK, my blogging sabbatical has ended.  It's an election year, Spring Training is in full swing, there are stirrings of authentic revivification in the Church, and of course we are living in generally "interesting" times.  How can I remain silent keep my big mouth shut?

By last February I had fallen into the trap of letting the perfect be the enemy of the good, and discovered that I didn't have enough time to write lengthy, witty, provocative and original posts.  Maybe I had been failing to achieve that all along, but it was at least my intention...  Anyway, I let things slide and the next thing I knew this little project had fallen completely off my radar screen. 

But the whole thing was supposed to be fun, and I found I mssed the fun part of it.  So, I don't want to say I've lowered my standards, but I guess I could say I've lowered my expectations - of myself.

So for the few - we happy few - who used to congregate here on occasion, hopefully I can find the time and the mental energy to post often enough, and interestingly enough, for you to find a reason to drop in now and again...

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