11 June 2010

America's Deadliest Joke

Fans of Monty Python's Flying Circus will remember a sketch about a joke so funny that anyone who read or heard it would die laughing.  Eventually it was painstakingly translated into German (one word at a time for safety) and used to great effect during WWII.  At one point the narrator described it as "over 60,000 times as powerful as Britain's great pre-war joke" as an image of Neville Chamberlain returning from Munich flashed on the screen.

In the seventeen months of the Obama Administration, it had become abundantly clear that America has its own version of a deadly joke, unfortunately nobody is laughing except those who hate America and wish her ill.  This morning I saw a bumper sticker - right here in Taxachusetts - reading "Buyer's Remorse", using the Obama Campaign logo as the "O" in "Remorse"!  It's not the first anti-Obama sticker I've seen on the potholed roads of The People's Republic either.  They're becoming quite common.

Two years ago a large swath of America drank deeply of the "Hope-n-Change" Kool-Aid,   and a heady brew it was.  More and more of them are starting to regain consciousness, as the grogginess wears off they're becoming appalled at what they see.  The shining, self-confident prince who seduced them has been revealed as an impostor: an incompetent, feckless, mendacious, petty, thin-skinned, narcissistic, uber-partisan failure.

I've referred to him as a "deadly" with good reason.  His failures will have consequences for America.  Already he's scuppered relations with several of our staunchest allies, seeminly intentionally, while making naive overtures to some of the most malevolent regimes on the planet.  The economic "stimulus" packages he's championed haven't stimulated anything other that budget deficits and the national debt.  Meanwhile the economy sputters along, half-paralyzed by uncertainty about Obama's policies and intentions.  The MSM tells us that the recent market plunge is due to anxiety over Greece and some of the other EU member nations, but they're only telling half of the story.  Neither Wall Street nor Main Street are worried only about the European economy affecting our own, the big concern is that they see America rushing headlong over the same cliff and a president who seems determined to accellerate the process.

The president's ongoing reaction to the tragic oil spill has been inconsistent at best and misdirected at worst.  I am not one who believes that the President of the United States is personally responsible for micro-managing the response to natural and man-made disasters, but there are things he can and should be doing to faciliatate and expedite the process.  His omissions have not only been injurous to the cleanup, but they've made his utter lack of executive experience woefully apparent.

And don't even get me started on "Obamacare".  Ill-conceived, poorly-legislated, and passed only through the exercise of bare-knuckle politics and parliamentary tricks; this pig-in-a-poke has united not only the G.O.P. but much of the country in their opposition and intent to repeal it.

I'm sorry if this sounds bitter, but I'm angry.  Really angry.  I didn't vote for the guy but I know plenty of people who should have known better than to do so.  And now we're stuck with him until January 20th 2012.  And this is not simply personal pique I'm expressing, I used the word "deadly" intentionally.  The 44th president is killing America, and it will take many years to recover from the damage he's done already.  God willing, we can start the recovery in November of this year.  Elections in America have seldom had higher stakes.


  1. Archlaic: I agree completely, and the whole oil leak is Barry O. at his worst. We'd probably be better off if he'd simply ignored the whole thing!

  2. "The shining, self-confident prince who seduced them has been revealed as an impostor: an incompetent, feckless, mendacious, petty, thin-skinned, narcissistic, uber-partisan failure."
    great line!

  3. Vincentius:

    And to think I forgot "callow"!

