21 June 2010

If the bureaucrats had been in charge during WWII...

...the same blockheaded adherence to the minutae of regulation without consideration of the circumstances of the moment which has obstructed cleanup efforts in the Gulf would probably have aborted the Dunkirk evacuation:

Fortunately Britain had a wartime leader who rose to the occasion time and time again, and above all refused to be daunted by enormous challenges - even the supreme and unholy terror of pettifogging bureaucrats!  Of course the knock on Churchill was that he was "unsafe" in peacetime, but when it came time to wage war in earnest all of the squeamishness about his intensity and bombast were laid aside in short order.

America doesn't necessarily need a Churchill right now, or even a Reagan.  I'd settle for a Truman.  Heck, even Clinton (Bill, not Hillary) would look pretty good right now!

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