02 September 2010

More First Amendment Lessons from the Left

Well, we didn't have to wait very long for this - did we?

Today's lesson comes from Comrade the Honorable Deval Patrick, General Secretary Governor of The People's Republic of Taxachusetts.

Radio host Jim Braude asked our benighted governor what his thoughts were on the rally in Washington organized by Glenn Beck.

“It’s a free country. I wish it weren’t, but . . . it’s a free country,” Patrick said on the “Jim & Margery Show” on WTKK-FM. “You know, you got to, you got to respect that freedom.”

In the time-honored fashion of liberal Democrats from Taxachusetts (e.g. J. F. "it-was-a-botched-joke" Kerry or Barney "Hot Bottom" Fwank), Deval attempted to explain it all away: “I wish they hadn’t chose that place and that day to have that event,” Patrick said. “But it’s a free country. That was my point, and it has to be respected.”

Oh, I see, nothing to worry about, right?  I'm sure that Deval will be out in front defending the next conservative who misspeaks, right?

BTW, did I mention what Deval's stance is on the "Ground Zero Mosque" - and those who dare question the means and motives of it's backers?  After all, there's "SACRED GROUND!" (once trod by Dr. M.L. King) and "sacred ground?" (where over 2,000 Americans died in a terrorist attack motivated by adherence to militant Islam - so what?)

The scary part is that this carpetbagging socialist, whose approval ratings after four years as Governor are between 19-22% depending upon which poll you believe, has a better-than-even chance of being re-elected if he can get 34-40% of the vote in a 3-way race.  That anyone would vote for him at all, especially in the current political climate, is a measure of how thoroughly brainwashed the typical Taxachusetts liberal voter is.

1 comment:

  1. Archlaic, you're obviously one of those racist, nativist, homophobic Islamophobes. Please report to Camp Alinsky for re-education!
