03 July 2010

Mr. Fix-it - Part I

Hey, in a perfect world the best thing government could do to improve the lives of us citizens is to stay the heck out of our lives.  But we live in the real world, where multiple layers of government and regulatory agencies encroach ever further into our lives and homes.  It's all for our benefit, we're told, meanwhile we watch as the economy continues to stagnate, political considerations and bureaucracy stymie attempts to clean-up the Gulf oil leak, public debt and budget deficits at all levels of government continue growing at an alarming rate, and illegal immigration continues to threaten our sovereignty.

The worst thing about it all is that the Obama Administration doesn't seem to have a plan, unless all of this chaos is their plan.  The only focus seems to be on using each problem or crisis to gain the maximum leverage toward implementing their far-left statist agenda.

Since a growing majority of the nation seems to be rather disenchanted with Dear Leader and his seeming inability to address these issues, its likely that the next president will be someone widely seen as competent and experienced in problem-solving.  The time also seems ripe for a re-awakening of the much-reviled concept of "states' rights", witness the number of states that have filed lawsuits against "Obamacare" and of course the recent Arizona law regarding illegal immigrants.  As such I thought it might be opportune to offer a few proposals for regaining our national equilibrium (and sanity). 

Herewith, in Part I, some proposals for addressing the problem of illegal immigration:

1.) Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and California should agree to finish the incompete sections of the border fence themselves.  The impact of illegal immigration is felt most keenly in those border states, and both public opinion and political will seem to be aligned in favor of addressing the problem.  Can you imagine the outcry if the federal government attempts to stop these states - or private landowners residing in them - from finishing a fence across their own property?  FEASIBILITY: Reasonable.

2.) Levy a tax on any funds sent out of the country by an individual unable to prove they have legal resident status.  Reports vary widely but it seems safe to say that a minimum of Ten Billion Dollars are sent to Mexico each year, and a whole lot of it undoubtedly comes from "undocumented" workers who are unlikely to be paying any state or federal taxes.  How about 5% for the state and 15% for the feds?  Wanna bet the media would call it the "Mex-Tax"?  FEASIBILITY: Remote right now, but perhaps it could start locally,

3.) No more "anchor babies" - if your mother isn't in the country legally, you aren't automatically a citizen.  FEASIBILITY: Difficult, I'm not sure if there are Constitutional issues here...

Note that these aren't intended to be all-encompassing, my intent is to present some ideas which haven't yet been tried or entered the mainstream of public discussion.  More to come...

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