21 July 2010

A Serious Question

There have been scores of artists whose lives have been scandalous but who've nonetheless created works which glorify God.  There have also been plenty of good and pious men and women who've striven for most of their lives to please God but yet fallen into notorious sin on occasion; some of them we know today as saints!

It is with these things in mind that I ask: whither Mel Gibson?  In the past several years he's had a number of, um, rather embarrassing public scandals.  First there was his DUI arrest in which he made a number of anti-Semitic remarks, then his divorce of his wife of 26 years which coincided with his affair with a thrice-married actress fourteen years his junior.  His latest brush with public opprobrium has been courtesy of the rather messy end of that relationship, in which it is quite possible that domestic violence charges may be brought.

All of these unsavory events have occurred since his production of The Passion of the Christ - which he also co-wrote, directed, and financed - in 2004.

Not that Mr. Gibson was a candidate for immediate sainthood prior to that point, but it seems as though his personal life and career have taken a decided downturn since then.  Hmm, do you suppose Mel might have incurred the supernatural wrath of someone of great power?  Someone capable of taking possession of hearts and minds and souls, or at least bodies?

To put it bluntly, do you suppose Mel Gibson is possessed?  I heard the latest audiotape released by his ex-girlfriend (the one with whose help he apparently wrecked his marriage) and he sounds to me like a very disturbed soul.  I got to thinking and I asked myself -  I also asked The Archlady - how someone who put his career and personal prestige on the line to make The Passion of The Christ could have such a dramatic turnabout in his life within a few short years... for the worse?  

Remember, he wasn't simply a hired hand for The Passion, it was his own project from start to end and he deserves all possible human credit for it.  it was in many ways a personal testimony to his faith, and Our Faith.  If you are a believing Catholic and you think that Satan would simply let that go by without notice, even as it became (at that time) the 8th-highest grossing picture ever, you might want to re-examine your own faith!  Even as this film stirred passions in Hollywood and the other elite citadels of our liberal and agnostic culture you can be sure that it caused great wailing and gnashing of teeth in Gehenna.

So - has the evil one bombarded Mr. Gibson with all sorts of provocations and temptations; or is this simply the sorry result of too much fame and public attention lavished onto one man?  And, if indeed the minions of the underworld did in fact launch an assault upon Mr Gibson's soul, should we take the latest news as evidence that they have (at leat temporarily) succeeded?

Mel Gibson has done some awful things, but he also made a film - of his own volition - which has done incalculable good for many souls and the Holy Roman Catholic Church.  By the Faith which he professes he is one of our brothers.  Pray for him, please.  It's likely that he's under attack and - as far-fetched as it might seem - theoretically possible that he's succumbed to possession.  Or perhaps he's just lost his faith.  Either way he could use some help from above!

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