19 July 2010

While I was away...

I was away last week and had minimal contact with the outside world.   I had a chance to catch up with my reading last night and ran across a very interesting article, on Zenit of all places: an interview with Fr. Calvin Goodwin, F.S.S.P.  I hope a great many priests read it, and laics as well...

In other news, I learned on Saturday that the St. Benedict Center in Richmond, N.H. is very close to canonical regularization with the Diocese of Manchester.  While Pope Benedict is not directly involved with this case - at least not to my knowledge - it is unarguable that his papacy has created the climate which has made this a possibility.  

Fr. Z - and others - refer to Benedict XVI as "The Pope of Christian Unity", and they're absolutely spot-on.  God grant him many more years on the Throne of Peter.

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