26 October 2010

In which The Archlaic predicts

One week to go until Election Day.  And-oh-by-the-way the World Series starts tomorrow night.  The Archlaic found himself in a prognosticative mood today, herewith some predictions on current events:
  • House: The G.O.P.gains 55+ seats for a 31 seat majority. Nancy Pelosi will resign her seat in the House to “spend more time with the grandchildren” and then demand use of a government jet to ship her goods back home.
  • Senate: The G.O.P. gains 9 seats, thereby resulting in a technical Republican “majority”of 2. The 48 Democrats will claim it is a “tie” because the one socialist member and the one independent member caucus with them, then they will claim that since the Vice President casts the tie-breaking vote on matters before the Senate they are entitled to retain (at least) a majority of chairmanships and also a majority of the memberships of committees. The media will side with the Democrats.
  • Massachusetts: Governor’s race will require a recount. Perry will beat Keating by 5 points. Barney will eke out a win over Sean Bielat and be typically ingracious in victory. The surprise of the night will come in the 6th District…
  • Rhode Island: John Loughlin will defeat David Cicilline by a very narrow margin.  The ProJo will be beside themselves.
  • Tea Party triumph that the media will attempt to explain away: Sharron Angle beating Majority Leader Harry Reid in Nevada.
  • Tea Party defeat that the media will trumpet day and night: Christine O’Donnell’s loss to Chris Coons in Delaware.
  • Story the MSM will attempt to ignore: Marco Rubio's win in Flroida
  • Stock Market: the Dow will go up by at least 350 points on Wednesday 3 November!
  • World Series: I’ll hedge and say that whomever wins Game 1 will win the series in seven. Both teams have good starting pitching, Texas has a better lineup but the Giants have a better bullpen. Since postseason series usually come down to the bullpen, if I *had* to bet one way or the other I’d say the Giants in seven.
As an aside, the media is really downplaying this WS matchup, and the television ratings will certainly be far below those for a series involving New York, Philadelphia, Boston, Chicago, L.A., or even St. Louis. Interesting to think that if this were a football game involving teams from these two cities (the Rangers play in Arlington, just outside of Dallas), say an NFC championship game between the Coyboys and 49ers, the hype would be considerably higher. At one time that was one of the NFL’s great rivalries, although it has cooled-off in recent years.


  1. Archy, your predictions are awfully... CONSERVATIVE! I'll betcha the Repubs take 60 or more House seats AND get the Senate by a seat or two as well! But I think you've got the W.S. figured out, it will come down to Cliff Lee and whichever bullpen performs best. Hard to believe the series could turn on whether Darren Oliver or Javier Lopez is more effective!

  2. I hope you're right about Loughlin- any thoughts on RI gov race?

    Chaffee opened the campaign at 33-35% and has not budged- he's not picking up any indepnts- the hope is Robitaille will surge at the expense of "shove it" Caprio. If not he(Chaffee) may win by default.

    (John Chaffee ran on a tax hike in '68 and was 10% ahead on the Sat going into the election- he was firmly defeated ~8%). RI gov polls have never been reliable then and now including exit polls

