25 October 2010


Even during his presidency, and especially after his resignation, Richard Nixon was depicted by the MSM as paranoid. For goodness sake, the man had an "enemies list"! But he's a minor leaguer compared to our community-organizer-in-chief, who regularly blames "Republican obstruction" on his inability to pass certain legislation despite the fact that the his Democrat party has had a majority of both houses of Congress for every single day of his preseidency - so far anyway.

Today he referred to those who disagree with his - B. H. Obama's - version of "immigration reform", i.e. AMNESTY, as "enemies":

"And if Latinos sit out the election instead of saying, we're gonna punish our enemies and we're gonna reward our friends who stand with us on issues that are important to us, if they don't see that kind of upsurge in voting in this election, then I think it's gonna be harder — and that's why I think it's so important that people focus on voting on November 2"

And how demeaning is it that he blithely makes the assumption that if someone is of Latino, what, ancestry? origin? heritage? their minds have been made up for them by The Messiah and the Democrat party?

Next Tuesday cannot come soon enough. 2012 cannot come soon enough. This man is far too radical to be president of the United States and it's becoming increasingly apparent that he's incompetent as well; frankly he's becoming an embarrassment.

I don't know how much the nation can take, but I can't take much more of it myself - I feel a Howard Dean primal scream coming on: YAAARRRGGGHHH!

Oh oh, here come some of those nice people here at the "undisclosed secure location", the ones with white coats! Gotta go now!

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