29 October 2010

Kerry the botoxed Brahmin...

Had a very wealthy wife.
Thanks to Teresa's money,
Liveshot had a cushy life.

(to the tune of "Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer" - or, if you prefer, "Teddy the Red-nosed Senator"!)

Our senior senator, J. F. "Don't-you-know-who-I-am" Kerry, a.k.a. "Liveshot", "Lurch", "Lovey", etc. takes a back seat to nobody when it comes to self-aggrandizement, so it was no surprise to see that he came in #1 on Slate Magazine's "Vanity Index" of the biggest egos in the U.S. Senate.  Apparently his "ego wall", photos of the subject with various celebs, was a full (horse-faced) head and shoulders above anyone else's.

(Wonder if there was a shapshot of him with Pope Pius XXIII?)

Hey, he might be a lousy senator and he'd sure have been a lousy president, but everyone's good at something.  Self-advertisement is Liveshot's talent, and he's not shy about it!

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