03 November 2010

How'd those predictions go?

I believe in accountability, and judging things by their results...

Even with regard to my predictions!

First the easy ones:

World Series:
  • Whomever wins Game 1 will win the series in seven. - Well, I got the "Game 1" part right"
  • If I *had* to bet one way or the other I’d say the Giants in seven. - I did have the Giants...
House of Representatives:
  • The G.O.P.gains 55+ seats - I was too conservative, it looks like the final tally will be 60-65
  • Nancy Pelosi will resign her seat in the House to “spend more time with the grandchildren” - Pending
  • ...and then demand use of a government jet to ship her goods back home. - Pending
  • The G.O.P. gains 9 seats - Missed on that one, it's currently 5.  AK, CO, and WA aren't yet decided...
  • Governor’s race will require a recount - blew that one!  Maybe Obama's visit put him over the top...
  • Perry will beat Keating by 5 points - and that one too.  Perry just had too much baggage.
  • Barney will eke out a win over Sean Bielat... - not quite "eke"...
  • ...and be typically ingracious in victory. - well, THAT didn't exactly take a crystal ball to predict!
  • The surprise of the night will come in the 6th District… - maybe someday, not this year!  Blew that one.
Rhode Island:
  • John Loughlin will defeat David Cicilline by a very narrow margin. - Nope. And a real shame, too. 
Stock Market:
  • the Dow will go up by at least 350 points - HA!  Nailed that one cold, as I write this the Dow is up EXACTLY 350... oops, the Archlady just pointed out that it's up 3.50, not 350... never mind.
  • Nevada - Got that one completely wrong. 
  • Delaware - The MSM is indeed touting O'Donnell's loss as a defeat for conservatism and the "Tea Party".
  • Florida - The MSM hasn't completely ignored Rubio but they've downplayed him.  And they do not seem to have any comprehension of what he's all about, they're calling him the "Obama of 2010"! 
Guess I won't quit my day job... at least not yet!

1 comment:

  1. Don't quit yer day job is right! But at least you were close on the World Series. And we'll see about Mrs. Pelosi's future...

    Any thoughts on the potential recounts?
