18 November 2010

This is what you get...

...when you vote for radical leftists.

Two news stories this week reminded me of this fact.  Here in the People's Republic, a mere 48% of the electorate voted for our benighted governor Deval Patrick.  Unfortunately, there were four candidates, and the second-place finisher got 42%.  This, to our fearless leader, apparently constitutes a mandate so overwhelming that he can blithely resume his long-held quest to enact a "right" for illegal aliens to pay the in-state tuition rate at state colleges and universities!

Mind you, the children of a member of our armed services living in Massachusetts on active duty does not quality as a "resident" able to receive such a benefit.  Nor does someone who lives in a bordering state but who is employed in Massachusetts and pays taxes here.  Soldiers and the gainfully-employed are not big priorities for the likes of Deval Patrick.

As for his messianic doppelganger, we got a painful reminder about him this week as well when the civilian trial of an Islamic terrorist almost resulted in his - the terrorist's - aquittal.  B.H. Obama had insisted that the best way to try captured terrorists was in civilian courts - as opposed to military tribunals - and the the trial of Ahmen Ghailani was intended to be a rehearsal for the BIG ONE, the trial of Khalid Sheikh Mohammad.

Well, as you're probably aware the rules of evidence are a *little* bit different in our criminal courts than they are in a wartime military tribunal.  Nothing wrong with that.  But the result in this case was the indubitably guilty Ghailani being acquitted of 284 of 285 charges.

Of course there are none so blind as those who will not see.  We elected an inexperienced, radical young leftist as president of the most powerful nation on earth, thus we ought not be surprised that he has surrounded himself with the likes of Eric Holder and Janet Napolitano, who are (not surprisingly) in full agreement with him that trying war criminals in the civilan court system is a good idea.

If this is what Massachusetts - and America - want, so be it.  But count me out.  Barely six years ago a few leftist celebrities were vowing to leave America if G. W. Bush was re-elected.  To my knowledge none did.  But right about now Canada is looking better and better to me...

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