16 February 2010

Giving it up for Lent...

One year about a dozen years ago my wife and I gave up television for Lent.  A habit was well and truly broken, and to this day we watch very little t.v.  About the only thing I watch nowadays is the Red Sox, who are an obession a enduring pastime no matter how I follow them.

On the other hand, every year I give up drinking for Lent.  Of course I have a drink on Sunday, and a pint (or two) of Guinness on St. Patrick's Day - it's a feast day, for goodness sake - but nonetheless I look forward to a bottle of good wine with the Easter Lamb.  And thereafter...

This blogging venture is still a new game to me, and I'm someone who annually tries to curtail my Internet usage during The Great Fast.  So you can probably tell where I'm going here. Do I give this thing, this bloggin' thing, up until after Easter?

After some consideration I came to the decision that I will follow the same principles that I follow for other pleasures during Lent:

1.) Moderation is sometimes more realistic than unrealistic attempts at outright privation,
2.) Sundays are not really part of Lent (don't believe me?  Count the days from Ash Wednesday through Holy Saturday... forty-six!  Now subtract the (six) Sundays to get... forty!)
3.) One shouldn't fast on a feast,

Thus, I shall limit my posting to matters spirtual and ecclesial, except on Sundays (Saturday night until Monday morning) and real feasts, e.g. St. Patrick, St. Joseph, The Annunciation... OTOH, it would probably be unseemly to post a rant about J. F. Kerry's botox treatments or Nancy Pelosi's windsurfing (or vice versa) on a solemn feast day in the midst of Lent, so I'll probably just save any meanderings regarding the Red Sox for those days.

My poor wife, the um, er, "Archduchess"?  "Archlaywoman"?  What does one call oneself, who is married to a man who has delusions of Archlaity? (Archlaicy?)  Perhaps I should just refer to her as I do at home: "she-who-must-be-obeyed"!  Anyway, poor girl, she'll have to deal with me for the next seven weeks without the mollifying influences of my Martini and the (full) outlet of my little blog.  Do pray for her!

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