03 February 2010


Here in The People's Republic of Massachusetts the state budget deficit for fiscal 2009 was $1.1B. "B" as in "billion". That's $1,100,000,000.00, in case it helps to see the zeroes. The deficit for 2010 is expected to be $1.4B, and projections for 2011 indicate that we may face a $3B deficit in fiscal 2011.

"What must we do?" said Tweedldee to Tweedledum,

"I have a wonderful plan" replied Tweedledum,

"Please do tell!" exclaimed Tweedledee,

"We need", said Tweedledum in his most serious tone, "a new public law school!"

"Marvelous idea, Tweedledum. What will it cost?"

"Oh, not much. Fifty, a hundred million or so. But that's over a few years" replied Tweedledum airily,

"Splendid! The people are indeed fortunate to have such dedicated public servants looking out for their interests!" smiled Tweedledee. And off they went to lunch at Locke-Ober...

Honestly. You can't make this stuff up. There are many ills currently afflicting the comrades and citizens of The People's Republic but a shortage of lawyers isn't one of them. Next to New York and DC, I'll bet we've got more lawyers than anyone, anywhere.

Now I'm not saying I have anything against lawyers. Some of my best friends are lawyers. Well, OK, perhaps that's a teeny exaggeration. But anyway - maybe it's just me - but I can easily think of a dozen people I've known over the past few years who've earned a J.D. and even passed the bar exam, but were working in other fields. A couple of cops, a couple of teachers, a salesman, a small-business owner, and a few others.

Do you know anyone with an M.D. who isn't working in the medical field? Or, say, anyone with a doctorate in education who's never held a job in that field? Not very common, is it? But shake a tree around these parts and you'll be inundated under an avalanche of lawyers. We have plenty, thanks. And for those considering law school I can think of at least a half dozen. BC and BU have well-regarded law schools. There's that place with the bricks and ivy over in Cantabrigia if you've got a few bucks and you're looking for a little extra prestige. For the hoi polloi, Northeastern and Suffolk will give you a decent legal education for considerably less. And there's NE Law downtown. And probably more which don't come readily to mind.

Christopher Buckley remarked a few years ago that it was getting increaingly difficult to write satire. He's right. We really are in the post-satirical age. But it's not very funny.

UPDATE - You really can find anything on the Internet. Massachusetts ranks fourth nationwide, with 14.5 lawyers per 10,000 residents (clients?) Seems I forgot Delaware, which was third behind... yep, D.C. and N.Y.

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