19 February 2010

The importance of identity...

In addition to my oft-sounded theme of the importance of a "Catholic Identity" I would note that America has of late been suffering an "identity crisis". While multiculturalism has been pushed for years, and there have been efforts to make America subject to the World Court, this crisis (as have so many others) has deepened since the inaguration of our first "post-partisan", "post-racial", "post-American" president.  (Did I miss any?)

Yesterday, in his comments at CPAC, Florida senatorial candidate Marco Rubio accused the Democrat party of "...use[ing] a severe economic downturn, a severe recession, as an excuse to implement the statist policies that they have longed for all this time. In essence, they are using this downturn as cover not to fix America, but to try to change America -- to fundamentally redefine the role of government in our lives and the role of America in the world." and stated that "2010 is a referendum on the very identity of our nation". 

I think he's right.

And I think that a healthy and traditional "American Identity" grounded in our nation's history and founding principles is vital to the welfare of our nation in the 21st century.

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