07 February 2010

You're nobody 'til somebody loves you

So, President Obama won't speak in public - even to a grade school class - without his security blanket teleprompter. But according to the MSM, still enraptured even after a year of his failed presidency, he's "eloquent".

But Sarah Palin, who recently got caught by a photographer with a "handful" of bullet points (literally, written on the palm of her hand) for a speech she gave extemporaneously, is "inarticulate".

The whole MSM script continues unchanged. Did you hear about Obama's mispronounciation of "corpsman" as "corpse-man" - twice - on the evening news? Neither did I, thank Heaven for the "alternative media". (Hey, don't blame The Messiah, he was only reading what was on his teleprompter. Perhaps that particular unit was left over from... the Bush Administration!)

Where would this guy be without the long, warm, wet kiss he's gotten from the MSM over the past two years?

People are starting to wake-up in this country, and they're not liking what they see.

UPDATE - 7 Feb - Mrs Palin gets the last laugh

UPDATE II - 8 Feb - Just heard Mrs. Palin's handscratchings referred to as a "Redneck Teleprompter" - priceless!

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